The Mission of the Coalition for Sign Language Equity in Technology is to ensure that Deaf perspectives on the use of automated or automatic interpreting via artificial intelligence (AI) are thoroughly integrated into all policy recommendations, including those developed with the SAFE AI Task Force. Deaf perspectives are inherently intersectional, representing all stakeholder groups (end users, qualified practitioners, vendors and buyers) and diverse communities within and across identity groups, including ethnicity, nationality, Deafblind and other disabilities.
The members of the Advisory Group (AG) take to heart the principles of S.A.F.E. as explained in the Guidance 1.0, emphasizing Safety, Accountability, Fairness and Ethics in the design and use of automatic/automated interpreting by AI. Additionally, we have two core values for conducting the research and development of recommendations: transparency and intersectionality. By transparency, we mean that decision-making processes are widely shared in American Sign Language and by intersectionality, we mean that stewardship of diverse experiences are supported rather than collapsed into a single ‘standard’ model.